Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Clash Royale Tournament: All you need to Know!

What you need to know about CLASH ROYALE TOURNAMENTS:

How the Tournament Works:

Play style similar to Helsinki tournament

It starts 2 days after creation of tournament (this may vary maybe depending on size of tournament)

Then you have a certain amount of time to battle. For example for ours it was around 2 days as well.

You can battle as many times as you want within this time frame. So the more you play, even if you’re the strongest player, you can still be top in your tournament.

By playing a lot you can earn more trophies within the battle time and earn more trophies than the strongest player that doesn’t play a lot (like myself).

The player with the MOST trophies at the end of the time will win and get ranked accordingly. So it pays off to play more and be online at the right times.
1st Place Chest Award

Other things to know about the Tournament:

1)  Location based:
So easier for you to connect to people be it online or in person.

2)  FREE to join:
Costs Gems to create.

3)  Can put a password lock
So you can invite only your clan and friends.

4)  Wait times depend on who is ONLINE to play
There are prompts that tell you someone in your tournament is looking for a match

5)  Bigger the tournament size, bigger the prizes
Biggest tournament awards 15,000 cards! (though I’m guessing those tournaments require thousands of people) However, those tournaments cost 25,000 Gems to create *sad face.

In a tournament size of 50-100 you get around 30 cards as the top player and it costs 500 gems to create. 

6)  Only play ONE tournament at a time
But you can quit and join one at any time

7)  At the end of the tournament you get a Tournament Chest
Similar to chests you get from winning battles, requires a certain time to unlock the chest (or you can do it via gems)

Start a successful Clash Royale tournament and get 500 gems!

9)  Can switch decks in between matches

So good luck everyone in a tournament or starting one and CLASH ON!

- Doc Storm


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