Sunday, May 15, 2016

BEST NEW DECK [Arena 4+] and COMBO: Valk/Freeze

Hey everyone, Doc Storm here.

Today I want to switch it up! Same videos to offer gameplay tips, but I want to show you a new deck and also a new combo!

New Deck:

Barbarians: To counter Hog Riders and Royal Giants

Spear Goblins: Our main anti-air unit, but rest assured because you have a Freeze Spell and Crown Towers

Cannon: To counter Hog Riders and Royal Giants. Opponent has Hog Rider and Giant/Royal Giant decks? No problem!

Freeze: Offence and defence

Valkyrie: Our hut spammer counter

Hog Rider: Our kill card

Arrows: To take out Minion Hordes and Princesses

Elixir Collector (Arena level 6 and up) or Musketeer: Our filler card. Preferably Elixir Collector, but Musketeer is a great support and helps us with Air Decks.

Good Swaps: 

Because sometimes we don’t have these cards or the card level is low.
1. Freeze/Arrow for Fireball/Zap
2. Musketeer for Elixir Collector

Lesson Recap:

Anticipation Arrows: learn from previous attacks on how opponents counter you last so you can counter their counter

Waiting to deploy spells: sometimes you get a bonus from waiting and it tricks opponent’s count on the elixir you have (they might think you are elixir starved when your not)

Multi-task: keep an eye on both lanes

Combo: Valkyrie Freeze – Ultimate defense to clear huge waves

Stay tuned for a Video Special up next. First LIVE match with Doc Storm. Also his LAST match as a level 7 as he transitions to Level 8 on his quest to Legendary Arena!

Hope you all enjoyed it and CLASH ON!
- Doc Storm

ign: isilverstorml


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