Wednesday, May 11, 2016

How to COUNTER Balloon (Air Decks!) [iTeach Ep. 4]

Hey everyone, Doc Storm here.

Another episode of my iTeach series. Today we will focus on beating AIR DECKs. The most popular air decks these days are Balloon plus a tank (either Giant or Baby Dragon), but the way to beat them is the same!

How to Counter it:

1. When your opponent plays the balloon, place a defensive building to get the balloon to attract to it (its best to place it in the middle). As the balloon comes at it, you place air units in front of the unit to slow it down (Body Block). Remember balloons are mad slow! Use it to your advantage! [Also see body redirection in the video - Advance technique]

Make sure you look at the shadow of the air unit and not the whole animation as it could be deceiving and throw your placements off (esp. Freeze spells)!

The key is air defensive units are lacking in this game. So you must save these air attackers and only use them against the enemy balloon. Don't go trigger happy and play it by accident! Learn to save cards to counter your opponent!

1. Defensive building in middle to attract enemy Balloon (Sometimes it needs to be all the way at the top if opponent plays balloon on edge of map)
2. Air attacker (my defender) is placed in front of balloon to block and slow it down
3. Melee units to damage the giant. Usually unhindered because they cannot afford supporting troops after dropping 10 elixir

2. Deal with the giant with melee troops like skeletons and goblins to quickly take it down. He has no support

Lesson Recap:

1) Body Block Placements [Advance Technique]
2) Best Move = No Move
3) Elixir Collector Usage
4) Push and Counter Push
5) Saving Cards
6) Air Unit Animation / Target (Shadow)

SNEAK PEAK: How to counter Golem decks!

Check out my blog here for an in-depth analysis:
Tweet me ClashwithDocStorm @_DocStorm_

Enjoy guys and CLASH ON!

- Doc Storm
ign: isilverstorml


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