How to BEAT GIANT DECKS - Clash Royale [iTeach episode 1]
Hi Everyone, Doc Storm here.
So I was super surprised and grateful that I got so much positive feedback since my first video that i've decided to make more! SO stayed tuned for an ongoing mini series called iTeach where I will make more videos with commentary.
Now lets get to business!
For the video with more detailed commentary please check it out Here :) (don't forget to like and subscribe thank you! It helps the channel a lot!)
Giant Decks!
These decks usually encompass the tank, Giant and supporting range troops such as spear goblins, archers, musketeers at the back. Therefore, the best way is to deal with these two groups separately.
First: Separate the Giant and Supporting Troops
The best way to separate these two troops is to lure that giant into the middle with a defensive structure and then place cheap elixir cost troops like goblins or skeletons to help damage the giant in the mean time.
Second: Take out the Supporting Troops
Wait for the supporting troops to reach that mid arena point (bridge) before you deploy your defensive splash damage unit to take out their range supporting troops at the same time. You may use spells as well to help when they are grouped together. A giant with no support is not too powerful or difficult to deal with.
Why this is important, is if you deploy your defending splash troop too early, their range troops would likely gun down your defensive troop before it can even engage them. Plus if your troop starts moving towards their side of the arena, you got their crown tower to deal with too.
1. Cannon lured giant into middle away from his supporting troops 2. Defensive valkyrie placement is right on top of their supporting range troops. |
Third: Go for the counter attack [mid to end game] or Gain elixir advantage [early game]
There are many ways to gain an elixir advantage. The obvious answer is the elixir collector. But other spawner buildings like Barbarian Huts, Goblin Huts and now the Furnace also provide an elixir advantage if they last through their duration like the elixir collector.
In the beginning, it maybe wise to just build up an elixir advantage to "feel" out your opponent (not physically - get your mind out of the gutter!). Learn to see how your opponent plays and most importantly what cards are in his deck. Incase you need to save a counter card you have for theirs.
At mid to end game is when you usually get to know your opponent in which then you can devise a strategic victorious plan.
It is all about timing and patience. You wait for the correct time to deploy your defensive units to counter the opponents offensive force. Remember you have your crown tower as a "free" defender to help you. Deal with the two groups, tank and supporting troops separately and then go for the counter or gain an elixir advantage depending on the stage of the game and your comfort level against your opponent.
Hope this was helpful and stayed tuned for more! As always CLASH ON!
- Doc Storm
ign: iSilverStorml
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